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Persuasive Discourse is in the process of enlarging its database.
If you are aware of scholars, papers, organizations, databases, or work that is related to the fields of Persuasive Written and Oral Communications, Economics, International Relations, Psychological Distance, or Foreign Policy Decision Making, please reach out. If your suggestion is a match for this database, we will create a section for it in the Related Research tab of the website. Furthermore, please reach out for interview suggestions and collaborations.
There are several ways to collaborate with the Persuasive Discourse.
First, if your work or research is related to the fields of Communications, Economics, or International Relations, please reach out for a possible collaboration. We will be happy and honored to conduct an interview with you, your organization, or your company.
Second, please contact with suggestions for public speaking engagements related to this platform's topics.
Persuasive Discourse supports education and would like to invite the reader to find a cause that speaks to them and contribute towards it. For instance, there are many organisations that work in the field of youth education. Following is an example of an organisation that you might like to consider supporting in the near future.
She's the First is a non profit organization that works towards creating a world where every girl is educated, respected, and heard. The organization was founded in 2009 by Christen Brandt and Tammy Tibbetts and is currently present in eleven countries. Its philosophy is to work together with local and community-based organizations to make a positive impact in girls' lives. To find out more about this organization, please click on the button below.
Contact Sorina I. Crisan, PhD, at: sorina.crisan@graduateinstitute.ch
Illustrations: Courtesy of Wix.com photo gallery.